Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dear Mama, love your nanny

Dear Mama(s),
When I was young and my job was to care for your babies, that is what I did. I cared for your children, truly, deeply and madly. Every single one of those babies whether I babysat them one time or several hundred. I cared for them. I kept them safe, I entertained them, I fed them and I was there for them. In all my years caring for children I thought I had it figured out; but Mama, I am sorry.
I am sorry because although I was great to your babies I should have been better to you. Now that I am a mother myself I can see where I fell short. I can understand the exhaustion and frustration of coming home from a long day of work only for your other job to begin. I can relate to being torn between spending all night snuggling your babes because you missed them so much it hurt while at the same time wanting nothing more than for them to be in bed so you can just have peace and quiet. I know all to well the internal battle between cleaning your house or sitting on the couch to just unwind. Or, cleaning your house and then staying up way too late so that you can also watch a show and unwind. I know, I am here, I am living this life of motherhood and all its messy glory. Now that I am here I just want you to know I wish I had done more...
I wish I had cleaned your house a little deeper. I wish I had made your family dinner more often. I wish I had your children ready for bed so all you had to do was love on them. I wish that I could have taken just a little of that responsibility off your shoulders so that you could come home and just be Mom.
Thank you for the opportunity to know and love your families and I am truly sorry that I didn't consider your needs as part of my job. The needs of Mamas always seem to be forgotten and for that, I am sorry.

Your Nanny


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