Monday, December 5, 2011

Stocking stuffers for your man

I LOVE STOCKINGS. My entire life my parents have made Christmas a wonderful day. We have a schedule of events that makes the day last as long as possible, and the first thing on our list are stockings!!! First thing in the morning you find your stocking overflowing with exciting little trinkets. I have tried to re-create that excitement for my husband, but I dont know if you have ever tried to stuff a stocking for a guy.The cool items he loves like knives and flashlights are pricey (not to mention he already has A MILLION!) but I am sure not going to stuff his entire stocking full of candy. Here is a list of ideas of items that my hubby loves getting...or is practical to put in his stocking since its maybe lame to unwrap as a gift :)

I always put socks, underwear, and undershirts in his stocking because he needs those things (and you can usually get the CHEAP on black friday). He also gets candy, razors, shaving cream, bullets for his guns,new ear protection (for shooting) new darts, wool socks, his xbox live membership for the next year, his shooting range membership, a video game, beef jerky or an array of other things. I just try to find things I know he needs or wants but arent big enough to be an actual gift, then i stuff them into his stocking :)


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