Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lincoln Patrick Hocking: A birth story

My parents made it to Missoula thursday night, the 5th of December. We spent friday and saturday going out to dinner running errands and preparing for finals week. Saturday evening I jokingly indulged in pineapple claiming that it was going to put me into labor, pineapple apparently thins the cervix. My mama and I went to bed and left Josh and my Dad in the kitchen where they happily enjoyed a beer tasting adventure.
Sunday, December 8th I woke up around 8 am to use the restroom when I realized my water may have broken. There was no huge gush of liquid but I was pretty positive I hadn't just peed my pants. I decided to take a shower and see how things were going. After showering my Mama and I made some crepes and the boys headed off to Best Buy to pick up a PS4. My mama jokingly asked if baby was going to come that day when I told her I was pretty sure my water had broke. I finally decided to call my sister-in-law Megan and see what she thought, she told me to head to the hospital to get checked out. So when Josh got back I filled him in and we threw together a hospital bag just in case we really were going to have a baby and we headed to the hospital. The nurse did her little test and then informed me that I had in fact just peed my pants, then she laughed and threw a hospital gown at me and said get ready to have a baby. Unfortunately, at this point I was not having any contractions and I realized induction was possibly in my future. Our families both made their way to the hospital and the men watched some football while us ladies made laps around the hospital trying to get labor to start. Megan and my nurse Rena made it clear that I should just start pitocin to get things moving because it was pretty much inevitable and why make the process last longer than it needed to. Rena said her goal for the day was to make me hurt, she wanted me in pain because pain meant the baby would be here! So around 1pm we made the call to start the pitocin drip. We then continued our walking around the hospital which helped the contractions kick in. Before long I was having contractions about two minutes apart. Our family left so that we could try and rest for a little while and Josh and I just visited with one another. By 4 pm I decided to get in the tub and try to relax because I was getting no break in between the contractions. I spent about an hour in the tub and ate several popsicles. Things were getting pretty intense and I was starting to doubt my ability to handle labor. I kept saying I CANT HAVE THIS BABY! I was miserable and literally could not lay down or sit down or stand. The baby was so low that every contraction was in my hips and back, I was warned that back labor sucks but could never have really understood how bad it was until I was dealing with it. A little before 7 when Rena was about to get off work she sat down next to me as I laid there grinding my teeth through the pain and I told her she got what she wanted, I was in straight up pain. Thats when we decided to go for the epidural, I had no idea how much longer I had, everyone kept saying they thought we would have a baby by 3 am and I realized there was no way I could make it until then with the amount of pain I was in. At this point I texted my parents who were on their way and told them they might not want to come back because, and I quote, "This shit is NOT pretty." To be completely honest at this point I was feeling absolutely defeated. My parents arrived back at the hospital right as they were preparing to give me the epidural. I was fighting back tears and my poor Dad just kissed me on the forehead and said he was going to leave. He couldnt stay and deal with watching me be miserable so he headed to the waiting room. After they finished giving me the epidural I finally began to feel some relief. Josh's family all arrived back at the hospital, it was about 8 pm. Before they came in my nurse, Emily, checked my cervix and informed us that we would be pushing soon. To say we were all shocked is an understatement. Emily made the call to get the doctor to head our way and the charge nurse told her to get prepped and do a couple test pushes because the doctor was finishing a c-section. Emily said there was no way she was starting to push until she saw 'the whites of the doctors eyes' because I was ready. It was crazy chaos as they prepped the room for delivery and then Megan and Emily started prepping me mentally for pushing. They told me how most people will push for 2-3 hours so I needed to be prepared and not get frustrated. Well, I pushed that baby out in thirty minutes! As soon as they said go I was ready, I watched the monitor and focused on my contractions and gave it my all. At 9:36 pm a sweet little baby was laid on my chest and Josh announced that the baby was a boy.

6 lbs 12 oz

20.5 inches long


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