Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Um, lets just pause for a moment as I try to wrap my head around the fact that my sweet little man is now officially ONE! He is a walking, kind of talking, kiss giving, booty shaking, 7 toothed, 26 pound, 32 inch, ball loving, constant tornado of a BOY. My heart is so full because of this little dude who made me a Mama. I know every Mom says this but I honestly could never have imagined the amount of love I would feel. To say the last year has been a whirlwind would be an understatement. I have never experienced so many highs and so many lows in my life. Of course, every trying moment was 100% worth it but oh man, if you were to ask me while I was in my darkest moments of 2 am feedings with a teething, biting, unconsolable baby I probably would have not been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But truthfully, I would not change those moments for anything in the world. Even now as Lincoln is getting his molars and is the definition of a hot mess and is screaming through the night, I have to remind myself to savor the moments of rocking him to sleep and snuggling all night long because this time I have with a little baby is far too short. He is growing so rapidly that I have to remember to enjoy each moment. 


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