Monday, November 4, 2013

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks
Baby is the size of a: Coconut
The Bump: Is awkwardly shaped depending on Nugget's position
Total weight gain: Staying at about 20 pounds give or take.
Maternity clothes? Living in leggings and Josh's shirts :)
Stretch marks? most depressing thing ever!I have a few stretch marks appearing below my belly button (I cannot see them but Josh says they are there. :(
Sleep: We finally started kenneling Lei at night so not having to fight for a spot on the bed has helped my sleep. Unfortunately heartburn has me waking up throughout the night breathing fire.
 Best moment this week: Getting a rocking chair for the nursery!
 Miss Anything? Sleeping normally, bending over, breathing normally...
Movement: Lots of wiggles. I am pretty sure I have a foot stuck in my ribs on the right side because its definitely painful. Otherwise, I love the wiggles!
Food cravings: A REALLY good cheeseburger. Someone please find me one because I havent been able to.
Anything making you queasy or sick: EVERYTHING gives me heart burn
Gender Prediction: Trying to keep my mind neutral! We have had a lot of votes for boy lately, which would be ok since our nursery is pretty boyish.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Sore hips, heartburn, shortness of breath
Belly Button in or out? In. I dont think it is going to pop folks.
Wedding rings on or off? Are still on, especially now that the weather has cooled down but get really tight if I am dehydrated.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Beyond stressed out, but we are so excited for our Nugget to get here! Also, the Holidays are HERE!

The nursery is almost complete. We will just have a few things to do once Nugget arrives so we can personalize the room for him/her.

Belly at 35 weeks

Feeling huge and terrified (but super excited) that we only have 35 days left!


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